So, I’ve told people I’m leaving, I’ve taken a years leave from my job, I’ve applied for a visa but today marked a pretty big step in the whole process – I bought my one way ticket. As soon as I paid for it, I won’t lie, I felt like vomiting. Will I like it? Is this the right choice? Will some angry hooligan kid shank me in my classroom? Am I mentally deranged? I’m hoping the answer is yes to two of those questions (I’ll leave you to guess which two).
The prospect of doing something different, travelling to new places and I guess ultimately being out of my own comfort zone is what has pushed me to do this. My life in Sydney is by no means bad. I live in a great house with awesome flatmates, I have killer friends and most of the time I like my job, but I’m getting bored. So is moving to London the answer? Time will tell I guess, but for the moment at least it’s something different and that’s enough for me.
So I guess the purpose of this blog is to chronicle my travels. It’s also a way for me to relay information on a larger scale, because let’s face it, I’ve never been great with emails. As for the blog title, that’s taken from a Copyrights song (playing in London in May! Yes!), and it’s a song that has been resonating with me lately …
‘I want to die with a worn out passport
In a pocket of stolen jeans
On a beach somewhere I’ve never been before
Full of people I’ve never seen.’
Ain’t that the truth.
Bec xo
I'm so excited for you, but sad for me. Love ya. Berrigan xoxo